Wrap Up 2008 (Paper or Plastic)

December 31, 2008
in life

Linda on Sundry posted a New Year’s survey, and it seems like a good way to wrap up the year. 1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Got married. 🙂 Check out wedding photo blog posts from the last couple days. 2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and

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Wild Wedding – The Ceremony

December 30, 2008
in life

Matt and I didn’t really know going into this what we wanted to do for the ceremony. We figured something simple, preferably without too much specific religious context as neither of us are Christian, and we take our words seriously enough to not want things we don’t believe as part of our wedding. A friend

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Wild Wedding – Part 1

December 29, 2008
in life

We got married at the zoo in the Cat House. I had a blue dress, henna, and flowers made of metal. Matt and I got married this October, but we only just got around to meeting up with the Photographer, Willow Rosen, (I’ll post a link to her site when I get it) last weekend.

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