Photos from Bend

January 28, 2009

Still thesis-ing (well it’s a word NOW) so here are more photos. Hope you enjoy.

A couple months before the wedding, I went home for a week to visit my parents in Oregon. Dad and I went on a few hikes, especially in Bend.
I was mainly home to see my parents, but I also wanted to get some good shots of the landscape of Bend since a couple unwritten books in my series will be taking place there. The first book, the one I’m agonizing over right now in fact, takes place in Eugene, so I needed to get some photos of that as well, but since I lived there for the stretch of childhood within the reach of memory, Eugene is less essential.
This photo probably won’t be all that useful for my book, but I think it’s one o the more print ready photos I have. For a while I was toying with the idea of selling photography, but I probably won’t get around to pursuing that particular avenue any time soon.
Another of my favorites. This really ought to be a panoramic shot, but I think it’s lovely as is.
Another cool view.
I like getting trees from strange angles. I especially like in this one how the blue of the sky seems to gather at the edges. It’s almost amoeba-ic (also suddenly a word)
Technically this isn’t in bend, it’s from Sahalie Falls a scenic shot on the way home.
The sky here is so blue that it doesn’t look real, but I didn’t even do any color enhancing. I was afraid to.
Actually, I guess none of the photos from around the falls looked quite real. The mist was part of it, but mainly it was just the scale. Or something. Pretty views anyway.

Click on the photos for a bigger version. More photos tomorrow. Should get back to normal postsĀ  by Monday, I hope.

About Author


Meagan is an artist, writer, and whatever else suits her at any given moment. She lives in the Cleveland area with her husband, son and too many cats. Meagan blogs at and cartoons at

4 Replies to “Photos from Bend”

  1. Great pictures – I’ve never been to Bend, but now I feel like I’ve been there – though I don’t think my eyes would have “seen” such an interesting landscape. You should offer your pictures for sale. In the 4th picture, what is the substrate? Is the ground there volcanic rock?

  2. Yep, all volcanic rock. It’s pretty amazing to see the plants growing out of it, really demonstrates the power of life. There was a decent amount of volcanic rock on Mt. Bachelor too (behind Dad and me) but nothing like Lava Butte (good name, huh?). It’s all very stark and beautiful.

  3. I think most people would fall in love with Oregon, but especially you. There’s every kind of terrain you can imagine, and one of the most beautiful coastlines. East coast beaches are pleasant but boring; the Oregon coast is raw and powerful.

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