Sheila’s Door

February 12, 2009
in life

Today I sent off the drawing I did for Sheila’s Chapbook. They asked us all to write something, but I couldn’t, I turned to my remaining form of expression since the most obvious abandoned me. I may post the drawing sometime, maybe not. It feels wrong to publish it for the public to see, like

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Smoocon Wrap Up

February 12, 2009

Last weekend I went to a hacker convention in Washington DC.  I am not a hacker. When I first met Matt he described his job as: “computer ninja.”  He does everything from hacking wireless systems to physically breaking into buildings, and he does it legally, for money!  He goes to hacker conventions a few times

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Around Cleveland

February 10, 2009

Turns out I’m a bit out of it today for whatever reason, so I’ll write about Shmoocon tomorrow.  Fortunately, I ran across this photo post which I somehow never published.  I think I just forgot.  Didn’t have to go in for jury duty today, which is lucky. This photo of entering downtown is one of

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