Stuffing Stockings

December 12, 2011

We’re trying to make some of Ender’s gifts this year, which I hope, if we start when he’s too young to complain, we can continue on as a tradition. Most of that creative energy is going into his big gifts, but I saw a tutorial on Mox and Molly (Via Strollerderby) for some sponge bath

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I Know you have Questions

December 11, 2011

For as long as we’ve had smartphones, Matt and I have had a rule. Whenever we wonder about something, be it a simple fact, or a complicated political history, we try to look it up. Like what’s the difference between a pine tree and a conifer? What are the origins of the expression “high and

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Dressed for a Funeral

December 10, 2011
in life

As it turned out, October was a dangerous month. *We went to visit family in Cincinnati halfway through the month. A few years ago, when we’d leave town for less than a week, we’d leave out a pile of cat food and an extra water bowl. If it was more than a week, we’d have

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