Escape from Shmoopocolypse 2010

April 9, 2010

Or, “If Shmoocon 2010 was a Zombie Movie.” It’s taken some time, and a whole lot of therapy, but I think I’m finally ready to talk about what happened. Everyone’s heard of the great “snowpocalypse” in DC a few months back, the snowstorm that covered the east cost this last February. Most people don’t realize

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If you’ve been following my twitter stream you’ve probably already heard that one of my cats is diabetic. She’s fine, never actually got to the point where she was acting weird (which made figuring out what was wrong a bit difficult) but my brain has been pretty cat centered last couple weeks. Chyna is the

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Quick Vote Note

March 21, 2010

Obviously I’ve been neglecting my blog terribly, but I hope to be back with some drawings and an actual real-live post this week. Meanwhile… Frozen, a post I wrote back in October, was nominated as one of the best “Just Posts” of 2009 in the category of Political/Legal Social Justice related to Sexuality. The post

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