Well I guess that’s pretty obvious really. New header image, see? (*psst* look up!) Up until yesterday night the header image for my blog was the default image that came with the Emptiness theme. It was a nice nature image, tree branches or something, but since this is supposed to be my blog, and since
Author: Meagan
Meagan is an artist, writer, and whatever else suits her at any given moment. She lives in the Cleveland area with her husband, son and too many cats. Meagan blogs at https://hadesarrow.com/blog and cartoons at http://dragondown.com
Five Favorite Free Iphone Apps (so far)
I’ve had my iphone for a week now, and so far I’ve managed not to spend any money on apps. I did have a heart stopping moment when I got a “bill” for my “purchases” but it turns out that itunes sends you a tally of all your downloads even if they’re free. This doesn’t
Shopping for the Economy
Technically, most of the shopping probably did more harm than good. Since almost all the money we spent today came in the form of giftcards from the wedding, we’re pretty much taking away money from stores. I think Macys can probably handle it though. In addition to a few somewhat more practical purchases, Matt and