Sometimes I have trouble focusing. Most of the time actually. My high school coach warned me about burning the candle at both ends, a college professor recommended Zen meditation. By now I’ve learned that a necessary part of life is making choices, and that means sometimes letting a few of the things you’d like to
Author: Meagan
Meagan is an artist, writer, and whatever else suits her at any given moment. She lives in the Cleveland area with her husband, son and too many cats. Meagan blogs at and cartoons at
About a week ago I had a bad allergy attack but insisted that I wasn’t actually sick. I’m still pretty sure that I wasn’t, but my I think my immune system has been exhausted enough that… now I am. Ta-dah! In addition, Matt and I are recovering from the 6 hour drive from Hershy, PA
Technical Meltdown
A few weeks ago I mentioned a dependence I’ve formed on technology. This week, the addiction has come to a head. The conversation started in response to my three and a half year old laptop, falling apart in nearly every way. The 40 Gig harddrive was full enough that I was having problems with virtual