When I started this for Illustration Friday, I intended it to be a typical changeling scene, goblins lying in wait to switch their glamoured creature for the baby. Instead it turned out a bit darker, a weird collage of various folk baby-snatchers. I liked this enough to “finish” it and submit it, but not quite
Author: Meagan
Meagan is an artist, writer, and whatever else suits her at any given moment. She lives in the Cleveland area with her husband, son and too many cats. Meagan blogs at https://hadesarrow.com/blog and cartoons at http://dragondown.com
Can’t Get What You Want
On of my peculiarities, and I have many, is that although I love hanging out at coffee houses, I don’t like the taste of coffee. Smell, good. Coffee ice cream, good. Black coffee? Bleagh! I’m sure I’m not alone in disliking coffee, I get the feeling that for most people it’s an acquired taste, like
Watching Wall.e
Well, I didn’t get my white Christmas, and ironically, the Pacific Northwest was apparently blanketed in snow, but oh well. Maybe next year. I think stepping outside this morning to be hit with 62 degree air is a fair trade-off. Yay global warming? Speaking of environmental concerns, one of the gifts Santa brought the girls